
Why Should You Adopt?

When finding a pet, adoption is a better option instead of buying (from breeders or pet stores). Pet stores and breeders are not a good option to get pets from. This is because most people who sell pets are mistreating the animals. Most pet stores who sell animals are also most likley neglecting the animals. While adopting is a better because you will be saving a animal's life and it's cheaper to adopt then to buy.

Myths About Adopting

  • Animals in shelthers are unhealthy
  • Animals in shelthers are old
  • Animals in shelthers are aggressive
  • There are no small animals
  • dog and cat

    Busting The Myths About Adopting

  • Animals in shelthers are not unhealthy. Animals who first arive at a shelther gets checked for any health problems.
  • Not all animals in a shelther will be old. Most animals will still have a long life even if they are not a puppy or kitten.
  • Some people think that animals in shelthers are agreesive and that its the reason there in the shelther. However, most animals who end up in shelters are because the families were not able to keep them or because of other reasons.
  • There are many different breeds and kinds of animals in shelthers. Not all animals will be big.

  • Infomation sources
